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 From the Heart Through the Pen

Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul

Given (Heart)

One day while walking about
He tripped and fell into her arms
He's the only one aware of it
At this time
Simply amazed by the treasure
He never expected to find
He opens up
And all his love pours out
He's trying to explain to his friends
Of the events that are about to come
But it's too late because his friend
Already gave him away

Lost (Mind)

Last seen looking for his friend
Wondering if he'll ever find him again
They were so close
They often shared the same thoughts
He the logical one
His friend the more sensitive kind
His friend the reason why
They've been falling for so long
And even though he misses her
And the sweet stimulation
He's trying to make
His friend understand
Now matter how right it all feels
It's still so wrong
He's going to be out here
Until he finds him
No matter what the cost
He doesn't even realize
That his friend was given away
And that he's the one who's really lost

Broken Down (Body)

One friend lost
The other he gave away
He provided them the home
That they needed to function
Now they're gone
And he has no clue
How he's going to go on
He misses her also
Always enjoying her presence
And the strong physical connection
Without them or her
He's incomplete
Down is how he's broken

Watching and Waiting (Soul)

All he can do is watch
Two gone and one fading
He finally found his mate
And now she's about gone too
He doesn't know
What they are going to do
He wants to help
But has to leave it all to fate
For eternity he's willing to wait
He's just wondering
If his friends will last that long
Or just eventually dissipate

¥☼MOI☼¥  07 Jun 06

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