Poems of Charles Hice 

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His main idea was not survival unless you count the spirit at the end of life. The hatred in his heart for the people cheering and jeering left him in just one moment of his time. A heart given to the LORD will never die but is beating now inside the body of the christian.
The man was name of mud or even fence his name is not important but just for this one poem call him JIM. Jim went to the ARENA against his own will and torn inside to try to survive and live. The end of time comes to some in the form of real life death. The crowd was silent as the MAN strode to the LION and slapped him twice so hard the lion felt it.
The man was soon destroyed by the LION just reacting just a thing created to be smiting
anything and anyone that bothers it. This man JIM was soon a thing of many pieces laying there. This is called martyr when a MAN gives of himself to his own LORD the life given unto him is now returned. This is very hard to do and seems so odd and yet the way to Heaven is not easy for most men and the Lion would not eat the man for food it seemed to sense that the party was now over. The Emperor was Constantine he loved the sport and watched it endlessly not no he did not like the persecutions but even this Constantine was unable to save the life of JIM the martyr the christian the friend of JESUS . ROME continued in its fall and fell from Grace but thanks be unto Constantine for making it a better place.

When Diocletian and Maximian announced their retirement in 305, the problem posed by the Christians was unresolved and the persecution in progress. Upon coming to power Constantine unilaterally ended all persecution in his territories, even providing for restitution. His personal devotions, however, he offered first to Mars and then increasingly to Apollo, reverenced as Sol Invictus.

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