You`re under my skin – what a catch
Just like an itch I cannot scratch.
You`re even in my mind`s eye
From these thoughts I cannot shy.
Can`t think straight `cause you`re on my mind
Concentration is hard to find.
You`re like a nagging tooth ache
Stop the pain for pity`s sake.
I feel you are on my back
You`re memory like a heavy sack.
Every day you are in my hair
Can`t get shut, `cause I still care.
You`re a pain in my side
This to you I will confide.
You are just like an aching throb
So my sanity you do rob.
I wish I could throw you one side
I`d have no more sorrow to hide.
Start again with a clean slate
And leave it all up to fate.
Copyright © Elsie
Elsie`s Poetry ~*~ Poet5170