Poems of Charles Hice 

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We were not involved in cultures not yet in history also
we were not living at the time of Christ although
we have biblical accounts of people living at that time.
Eye have decided it was far worse than we may think the ruling faction was myopic and inbred and taboo loving only mothers and killing fathers even brothers.
The poor was dirty and noses upturned when they tried to come around to enter society the people were living on there couches and dressing in there finery drinking from there winery and never having any love. Eye will give the poor man ONE olive while eye consume three and then he can kiss me for another even so that may seem so cruel to you but there was worse manners than that there. The meat and cheese was offered but please refuse please don't handle food please just go away if you will not kiss me eye will likely take my sword and kill you.
This is chilling until ewe realize most people are that way today to some extent they partee with the IN crowd only.
They do not invite the poor old beggar to boogie down to get down and dirty with the daughter. They keep me at my distance  in their love.
[edit] Economics
•          Disparity refers to the regional and economic differences in a country, province, state, or continent.

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