Poems of Charles Hice 

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 Mermaid Of The Soil

:-) <3
mermaid of the soil
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Mermaids dew
Sometimes ewe send to me an ecard to tell me there is no time in the day for chat me sometimes it says just why sometimes it says GO HUNT OH DOG today you told me a happy face and a heart then MERMAID OF THE SOIL so let me tell ewe am eye happy no for missing caht with ewe but yes for getting love my mermaid has intelligence she knoes the difference in faces and makes a sign quite easily of ;'( this when she is sad or even telling me she cannot come to me so by this sign :') eye see a different tale not one of woe eye sense her mood is not of go dog go. She seems so wonderful she seems like love to me she senses just how much line is strung to let this fish run to the end the very end of time.
Eye load my bow with quivers in the night and fight the sleep that threatens to consume me eye drink no water much but then the fluid that eye am is liquid flavor  sediment from depths of love this mermaid sends me. She is the mermaid of my soil she is my mermaid dew. When eye drown in the desert cactus between the city and the mountain my mermaid kisses save me from the cretins.
Mermaid of the soil in me come kiss me thee come try.

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