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 The Music Hat

The Music Hat
The Music Hat
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NARRATOR: The poor man Johnny had no radio and the rich man Charlie had too many the rich man Charlie filled his ears and head with music he had plenty so it came to pass at the end of life the rich man Charlie and the poor man Johnny came to meet again in Heaven.

Charlie: "when eye was upon the earth eye had it all eye had my wealth and every song that was ever sung played in my ear and head old son."

Johnny: "when eye was young we lacked for bread and no one cared to give us none we had no music box to sing to us and eye cried myself to sleep just missing meat.
Now my table is replete there is no end to all the food in sight but eye still have not got no music? It just ain't right."
Charlie: "Here old son eye have two hats just take this one it plays a song a different tune just evertime you put it on."

Johnny: "my life is done but now it has no end and music has been given men."

Johnny: "what's the sound that comes from the hat you kept?"

Charlie: It just says over and over and over again you both have been forgiven.

Narrator: but Johnny gets the music now and Charlie has to work his plow all day long and into the night but food is given to them both the table is from the Holy Ghost and no one hungers here in heaven, but some men work and some men listen. Some have more and some have lesson.
Johnny got the music hat.

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