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 JANET'S PLANET      468449 Poems Read

My Dear Mother

fields of flowers photo: Reds and golds of the Texas Hill Country large_Llano_reds_and_yellows.jpg
Dear Lord keep my mother safe from harm
She has endured much sorrow
Secure her in your loving arms
She is not sure of tomorrow

Guide her path, make clear her way
Mother so generous and kind
Be with her each day
Gentle, loving, qualities in her we find

Several years past she lost her soul mate
They both raised four
Often times she cannot concentrate
Four grew up and forever more

She hoped her son would live
With her as she lives alone
His father's possessions she yearned to give
Anxiously she waited for a voice on the phone

Voice of the one and only boy
He made her smile
Her hope, love, and joy
Lasting for a short while

One morning sad news arrived
Her bundle of joy, the young man
She was told would not survive
Regretfully, sorrowfully, another plan

Dear Lord through your divine grace
Keep my mother in your care
Hold that special heavenly place
You have for her when she can no longer bear.

© 2007 Janet Irene Griffin

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