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 Inner Self

There's nothing more powerful than a poet's pen,
it can release emotions trapped deep within.
Some poems unleash tears and some give you joy,
some remind you of youth, as a young girl or boy.
As you read a poet's verses of life, love or pain,
their words can range from brilliant to insane.
Yet, in the insanity of the concepts they write,
some truth does emerge like a star in the night.
A star that twinkles when life's not so clear,
a star that shines light when your surrounded by fear.
Yes there's nothing sweeter than a poet's pen,
who's been blessed with the gift to write from within.
Mankind's inner self is the hardest to see,
as we try to blend in with humanity.
Some hide their inner self as a way of protection,
missing the beauty of an Earthly connection.
It's best to be open and connected with all things,
then bask in the energy your own verses bring.

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