Beautiful Disaster


Hope is a small seed
The start of something beautiful
And when watered by faith
And supported by prayer
The small seed will sprout
Out of the ground
And if that sprout
Is surrounded by love
And fed with encouragement
The small little sprout
Will become a small bud
But one must be careful
For despair and sadness
Can make the bud wither
It is up to you
To protect
What you fought so hard for
And although the storms are rough
One day they will pass
And that bud that you protected
Will have bloomed
And it will have bloomed
Into the most magnificent flower
It will have the sweetest fragrance
Of acceptance and joy
But it doesn't stop there
For there will be more storms
To weather
But the more storms
you weather
The stronger the roots
Will dig into the soil
And if its continually
Nurtured daily
As you should
Then it will start to produce
Small seeds
That should be
Watered by faith
Supported by prayer
Surrounded by love
Fed with encouragement

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