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My dear doctor I can’t count the years,
You’ve helped calm my fears, helped dry my tears;
I know at times I’ve been a pain in the neck,
But you’ve kept me from being one complete wreck;

When your husband was in charge of treating my ills,
He often consulted with you on medication and pills;
With both of your help, I’ve gotten through rough times,
So many mountains in life you've helped me climb;

Your sudden illness and retirement left me in shock,
When I heard the news it made me reel and rock;
I’m trying to get used to it but I tell you true,
The news has left me feeling down and blue;

But my dear, dear doctor, come what may,
I had to find time to sit down and say
That I truly will miss your wonderful style,
Your caring ways and your beautiful smile.

Dedicated to Dr. Eleanor Eller

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