Poems of Charles Hice 

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Eye eat corn in my village there is a custom.
Eye eat corn in my village. In my village there is a custom.
Eye lift the corn upon the cob and eat it only with my teeth
and not with the teeth of another near me.
The corn is on the cob and eye must remove the corn from the cob;
This is the job of my teeth and eye do not allow another to perform my duties.
Eye eat corn with my eye.
The other villagers only eye my corn.
The corn leaves the cob at the insistence of my teeth.
The eye does not remove the corn but watches carefully just what it is that my teeth does to corn.

It is not as bad as it may seem the corn feels no pain at all just trust me.
My family is gone to there reward.
My brother is too far away to eat my corn.
Eye have a beautiful lover who loves me to eat corn.
Her name is parme pookie ewe.
Eye bet she eats corn too.
Off the cob and on.
Corn is fun.

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