Love Letter From Your Lil' One- forgiveness
Love Letter From Your Lil' One
~ Forgiveness~
Hello Mommy; This is your angel from up above
The one you chose not to carry and love
My purpose for writing you today
Is to plead you come to Jesus and pray
Just ask Him for forgiveness to wash the guilt away
I know for you it wasn't really your choice
Without knowledge you obeyed the devil's voice
I forgave you Mommy and Jesus loves you
Just repent from your past and Jesus will forgive you too
He knows the shame you carry instead of me
He wants to comfort you and set you free
Don't let the devil control your thoughts and emotions
Or he'll forever hold you in bondage and commotion
I pray if I couldn't make a difference by my birth
You'll honor me by giving over to Jesus your life on earth
The devil is the Father of lies Mommy
Turn from his lies so someday you'll be with me
Until then I'll try to comprehend your touch
My sweet Jesus for now cradles me a bunch
His love is so big Mommy,as big as the skies
So don't cry Mommy,Let Jesus dry your eyes
Take good care of yourself is my plea
Turn to Jesus for His good thought seed
If you don't believe in Jesus then believe me
For I too died for your sins as did He.
Your little angel signing off now with all you need.
By :Pastor Linda Begley
May 29,2007
Love Letter From Your Lil’ One- forgiveness
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