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 ~*`Welcome To 'My Never Ending Circle Of Love`*~... ..`By `Janie/mjfb1954`      3338503 Poems Read

~*~` THE MAGIC OF LOVE ` ~*~

SultryRose's Signatures

~*~` MAGIC OF LOVE `~*~



The moon glistens smoothly on the silvery surface
Transforming the Lagoon into a magical dance floor,
I see you with arms holding me tight, as we dance,
I feel your passion as you tenderly kiss me once more.



Dancing with you, like we did once before
Brings joy to my heart, as in the beginning,
I never want to be separated from your love
Whenever we are apart my life has no meaning.



My thoughts are forever going back to you
No matter where I am or whatever I may do,
Remembering how you loved me in your loving ways
Drowns my sorrows, giving me hope to see better days.



The future is destined to have you and me in it
Together we will bring unfulfilled passion to heights unknown,
Loving one another, our hopes and dreams will forever be
Like the moon glistening on the Lagoon that I now see.



~Copyright ©2007~
 ~Mary Jane Balthazar~
~background music~
~*The Rose*~

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