Poems of Charles Hice 

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 Strang Love

Strang Love
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Love can be a rock smoothed on one side and rilled and rugged on the other not unlike some men who have veneer of roughen

as they wear themselves asunder in all they hopes and fears arrears. A Stone forgotten in a sock drawer in the seldom ever used brought out into the light oncet the favorite of BOY now discarded suffering slight. Stone of wonder lost forever kept against the memory of a day in wonder in the water of a strang forgotten stream of a BOY in awe at stones display and at his MAKER on that day. He found the stone so smooth by water on the one side roughen by neglect. Stone brought home to Father How he scrutinized the stone . What is this and Where have you been the Drunken Father bellowed and the boy now crestfallen saying Heck its no longer so important. Placing stone next to his folded sock he cried and hated GOD.

Oh he said its just a worthless stone , I will never bring another home, to show a man who cares only for his whiskey drunk and ruins all he owns.

Now the man is dead the BOY is grown the home is gone the BOY lives on

the BOY gathers not another stone but he has found someone a secret lover. Instead of Hate his heart has love the ROCK lost now forever in the explosion come to make it certain that this world is not my home.

For the love of Violet Flower is in this poem borne.

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