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 Tooth Fairy
Quit moving my pillow there's no tooth under there,
Go fly with the other fairies free in the air.
Visit the places only found in ones mind.
For you my fairy friend there isn't any time.
Your wings will never be tired or your face wrinkle and get frail.
You can dance with Peter Pan and soar with Tinker Bell.
Why did you come back this late in my life?
My teeth have been long gone I cut my food with a knife.
Have you came back to wish me good bye?
Or have you came back to to teach me to fly?
Funny every time I got payed for a tooth,
I was told it was my parents by other youths.
But, now your here real as can be,
Thank you for revealing yourself to me.
Now I can look forward to my last day,
and be with the dreams the kids took away.

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