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 The Right War
The war machine
The war machine
 Oiled by the blood of man
The war machine
The war machine
Consuming every flag it can

The battles we fight get more technical every day,
and destroys nature and the places children play.
From toy soldiers to a fighting man,
with guns and bombs or hand-to-hand,
the best of the best walk land to land,
supporting their country's own war plan.
Yet, in the end will any one see,
the thing they all call “victory“?
For, after the battle, what place does glory give,
in a country where the conquered painfully live?
I believe it's time we fought a war of wit,
with the outcome of a planet that's perfectly fit.
Not just for peace or love of each man,
but, to preserve life and nature right where we stand.
For Life is a blessing and should be treated as one,
combine it with nature and the wars will be done.

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