The Unfairness Of Angels
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As I lay there below a twilight sky
I guess you must have heard me cry
Upon this muddy path on which I lay
In a forest where the nearest town was miles away
I dropped into a nightmare that killed my heart
A swamp filled illness horrid and dark
But then I felt sunshine burn my cheeks
And a warmth I have not felt for weeks and weeks
The scent of flowers and an elven smell
You came for your prince when he wasn't well
I knew that only you could heal me
And bring me out of my insanity
Lost has the Prince been, lost in a world of sorrow
A hating of knowing another tomorrow
I had lost my faith and my head and my heart
In a world of chaos where the prince was torn apart
But you came to me; you found me and guided me
With such grace and kindness all done so gently
On my adventures you know that I have succumb to desire
And was bitten and infected by a vampire
The Vampire has always been the Dark Princes immortal foe
And for many, many moons I have let the poison grow
Words and gold and all my soul can't repay you
The Dark Prince swears allegiance to you, and I thankyou
Your skills in healing what cannot be healed
Could only come from one so skilled
We are not from a mortal realm and we know how wicked humans can be
Yet we give them these tools of emotions to be free
You have breathed life back into me and given me a magical charm
And now I continue my adventures in life free of harm
Thankyou for healing the heart of the dark prince and for letting me in
My most beautiful and loved Arwen.

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