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 Murder Eruptus

Murder Eruptus
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Uninstilling the central focus of every plan and becoming one with all the others would have been so nice but eye elected to be me and remain alive eye of all the others becoming love. The man was gesturing wildly and the rock came easily into his hand he grasped it so quickly eye missed the action of the intended victum so glad that eye was so very far away and not the reason or the cause of fate but still this Murder tried to pin the blame on me or even horrors add me to the sorrow of the man who died right in front of me. All that eye can rally say is there was two men talking and eye had started toward them when to my chagrin and sorrow eye noticed there was now only one of them remained the other one was floating face up staring at the sky with sightless eyes how pray tell can you tell you may ask me in horror at the thought that he could still now be alive? A man can somehow know. The river took him in the flow a man now with his LORD. At least eye made the effort to try to understand and the man who did this murder tried his best to let me in on the reason why a man was dead and gone. He said in such an idiot's way of speech he said this unto me, “I just knew that you would not want to talk to him.”  Until my dying day and eye go to be with GOD this will always seem to me that eye am guilty of a man's blood even though inside my heart eye somehow know it was not me but the Murder eruptus.

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