Poems of Charles Hice 

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He changed his shirt twice he wore a different hat then the fourth time he turned his jacket inside out when the policemen stopped him just outside the door he tossed his wallet to the ground with five different library cards and five hundred clams he muttered and he cursed he should have worn a hooded wighat and carried him a purse when they asked him why did he do the evil thing he smiled a goombah grin two hours a day you gave me free but criminals' need lots more so I got all these cards and killed no one I just wrestled them old women to the ground and kissed them than I took the money from there purse and the library card for fun and lots of pleasant play please take that into account when you sentence me away the courtroom was so quiet a pin was heard to drop five years in goombah prison one for every card stolen one for every wanton old woman a lying in your yard for every stolen hour upon the clock no more time is needed no more time is needed to be added to your sentence sentenced goombah man a year for every stolen thing all five of them.

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