Poems of Charles Hice 

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There is a reason no one really does the things they want to do there is safeguards there is laws there is law enforcement too. When the partee gets too far away from under your control they can and will just intervene they will not be slow eye have been confounded when eye least expected it and did my time in jails who are you to be so different take some time and visit them eye do not knoe just how he lives he brushes all his teeth he misses  none of them he eats some sort of robot rations he is skinny no meat just bones he partees of course there is no end to beer and wine and smoke and unless the scoring system it has changed a lot from my youth the boy is a sot not making many marks he was happy with a 70 on a  final test if this is out of a hundred it seems so low so missing it but who am eye to judge the monk he looks so thoughtful in his hood he looks so dangerous in his attitude of barley making marks in school and just now getting bye, getting high is all they study getting stoned and getting drunk with papa money getting old while losing youth.

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