A strange point of view!
Softly I caress you knowing in my mind that is was but hours ago that you were so very dirty!
working your way in and out of any hole that would except you!
yet here we are together, me sitting by the waters edge wondering if you even know your fate.
When I first found you on that moonlit night. I just had to grab you and hold on tight! Never letting you slip through my fingers!
Knowing only that I would soon lose you! For today you must die! I am so sorry I never really even got to know you.
As I pierce you with this cold steel and penetrate your body, I can't help but to feel your pain!
And me knowing that all this time that it was a deliberate act! And that I brought you here with the sole intent to kill you!
OK enough with this mushy stuff! Now get on my hook and catch me a fish!
Oh I am sorry! I didn't mean to keep you all in such suspense! I was just baiting my hook!
(I never really thought about it from a worms point of view?)
Have you?
Written By:
Roy A. McGill
© all rights reserved 12/17/07
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