Poems of Charles Hice 

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Charlax Fabel
Mercury Spidder
 Part One
“Radiation from the dome is killing the native growth it may stop evolvement of several different species” began the Maritimer “STOP” said the Cappum “don't hand me that fluff we do this on every trip we argue about the future we are on MERCURY to get more gold and silver. Stop bugging me with details of the cold. The Humans is now the problem they may send the Rover here the beast is near the center of the dome we must be almost ready to send the drone to earth to make it our new home. That Charlaxandroidoneseven is making a FABEL Ha they will never believe him still we better be prepared to be invaded for the humans are so intelligent now they can get a picture of the spidder on the planet Mercury and they are so mercurious that they will hound us eventually becoming intelligent enough to explode the neutron bombs and blow up worlds. “Mercurious” ?said the Maritimer “what a HUMAN expression”. How close is the android Charlax to discovering us he has those super powers you knoe like his SUPERMAN used to have before the Chinese comic book tried to KILL him WHAT? No the Charlax eye meant him not SUPERMAN eye get them so Confused?
Stay tuned for part two

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