balladeer of moons

174,094 poems read

I'll close your eyes with kisses this night

I'll close your eyes with kisses this night

for Katie

"No beauty does she miss
when her clothes are on.
But beauty's self she is
when her clothes are gone."

I'll close your eyes with kisses this night.
Let all the thousands be lost.
Love disrobes herself with pretty wishes
That we may never learn her cost.

Beauty's Self sleeps in white satin tonight,
And the day is redeemed with a kiss.
Inspired, I'll slip down your silken gown,
As arousal unties into bliss.

O' Faithful Heart, I'll close your eyes with kisses,
For the ages are a long, long time to sleep.
For now we'll keep, as lovers keep, vain wishes
That morning does not bring us human grief.