From England's Green and Pleasant Land 
  Robin Hickman

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 Junior Doctor

I wake with my head thumping.
in my ears.
Stepping gingerly,
over comatose bodies,
lying everywhere.

Make my way across the floor,
strewn with bottles,
cigarette ends,
beer cans,
a pickled egg?

What is that doing there?
Never again I swear.

Rush to the toilet,
throw up in the pan,
splash cold water on my face,
got to get to work before the bodies wake.

Pick up the paddles,

Everyone stand clear.

A jolt of electricity through his chest,
this is my job,
I am the best.
at saving life,
I'm Doctor cool.

I've got your life in my hands,
can you trust me?
You know you can.
After a night of partying.

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