I stood beside your bed
As you laid your head to rest.
I lovingly took in the rise
And falling of your chest.
Sleep was your agenda-
Ministry laid down.
You took care of business-
I added more jewels to your crown.
You made her smile, you know-
That other friend of mine.
Giving so unselfishly
Of yourself, your love, your time.
My Father was delighted
With everything you'd done.
He said, "Go down and bless her,
For she has blessed Me, Son."
So I gently laid My Hands
Upon your sleeping face.
Offering a prayer of peace,
Of guidance and of Grace.
You were lost in dreamland-
Between the earth and sky.
So I'm leaving this love letter
To tell you I dropped by.
With Love,
Your friend,
Written by
Doris Jacobs-Covington
Inspired by
The Holy Spirit
"Dear friends,let us love
one another, for love comes
from God. Everyone who loves
has been born of God
and knows God. Whoever does
not love does not know God,
because God is love." 1 John:7-8
God has sent a most precious gift into my life,
in fact she has adopted me to be my earthly
Mama until I get to heaven to be with my own.
We are truly kindred spirits for the bonding was immediately!
Only as God can do supernaturally,
I love her dearly and this poem penned thru the leading of
the Holy Spirit has blessed me beyond words could ever relay.
I love ya Mama Dori and look so forward to our journey together both
here and in heaven. God bless your precious loving heart forever!!
Hugs and Love; Your Liny-Girl
This song is truly the heart cry of myself,
My Mama Dori and many other Mama's out there.
I pray it will minister to a child today that
is out of the will of God for your life and
has a praying Mama, that God may manifest healing
and restoration into your life and answer a prayer
for your Mama.
In His Service, Lovingly In Christ;Pastor Linda Begley