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 Anti Revelation

They say that there's only so much energy and so much matter,
I believe they need to make their concepts a little fatter.
Isn't everything basically all energy,
including the things that make up you and me?
To me matter is cohesive energy,
so there's no difference to really see.
All the energy that there is to behold,
is simply in a different vibrational code.
Oh, and all the theories about anti-matter I see,
If “anti” is right, wouldn't there be an anti-you and -me?
If there is an anti-human form to be found,
wouldn't it be the ghosts and spirits all around?
So much computing and so much calculation,
theory after theory there's new Revelations.
Before you discount the things I have said,
where does energy exist after your body is dead?
Does it ground out and become part of the earth?
Or return to the Source that will give it new birth.

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