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When you leave I always feel a cold chill
And time for me does actually stand still,
The warmth and joy goes out the door with you
Leaving me cold and all so very blue.


Time stands still and nothing seems to move
Only when you come back do things improve,
My zest for life leaves me it is gone
Without you I feel that I just can`t go on.


Everything closes in around me
I know this may sound sort of crazy
But everything seems to just shut down
And in my own despair I seem to drown.


Time stands still as nothing ever moves on
It may be an hour but seems like an eon,
Every time you leave I have to endure this
My world no longer rotates on its axis.


So time for me does stand still you see
And I will always continue to be
At a total and utter standstill
`Til you return and my life refill.


copyright©2008 Elsie

Elsie`s Poetry ~*~ Poet5170

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