The Unfairness Of Angels
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 The Lion Tamer
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The lion tamer, he was once called
With a simple command and a lash of the whip, he ruled
He lived by only one rule, the secret of his success
Without it, he knew he'd end up a bloody mess
'Trust' was the word, the secret, and the rule
Of course he had props like the whip and the stool
All that was for show, but trust was what he did need
Without trust the lions would eagerly feed
His father and his fathers-father were lion tamers too
As he learnt his trade his skills and confidence grew
He became fearless and a God amongst lions
He had done his show a million times
So why now does he lay here in the arena looking into space
There would be tears, if he still had a face
Ripped to shreds his blood mixes with the sawdust
He had broken the rule, the secret, trust!

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