This life won't make any sense
Until we learn our purpose here.
To focus on the heavenly factor
Makes our earthly mission clear.
Our time on this planet is
A dress rehearsal, more or less.
We are all assigned a role--
We are all put to the test.
We were made by and for God--
A most valued human race.
Created in His image,
To be be examples of His Grace.
We must scrutinize our habits,
Our choices and behavior,
Because our lifestyles do reflect
Upon our loving Savior.
God will not be glorified
If we seek worldly pleasures.
So let us strive for and send up
A deposit of true treasures.
A soul won to The Kingdom,
An offering to the poor,
A compassion for the suffering--
Such are treasures we can store.
Happiness is not our goal--
Holiness is so much wiser.
We've only tasted of His rewards--
Had but a tiny appetizer.
Let us remain true to the race
To fulfill our destiny.
Then will life make perfect sense
When we reach Eternity.
Be Blessed,
(c)Doris Jacobs-Covington