The Unfairness Of Angels
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 a millisecond
Welcome to where time stands still
Suspended in a millisecond against your will
Your thoughts are the only sound
Whilst your feet are stagnant in the ground
That millisecond you're in the balance of heaven and hell
Tell how me how I'm feeling, if you know me so well?

Such darkness in a blink of an eye
In that moment you find out why?
A millisecond of such knowledge is overpowering
The human mind can't accept ever knowing
The truth, no matter how real it might be
Anything more than a millisecond and you'll lose gravity

It's as fast as a highway but as empty as one too
Sometimes it's best not knowing what we hold true
A millisecond can stop the heart and then you stop
Emotions in your head fall into your stomach with an almighty drop
Nowhere to hide in that millisecond, it's all too late
Can't use the excuse of fate

But you'll miss this moment as it slips away
As the colours of society start flashing green and grey
That millisecond becomes a second then a minute
And then an hour, then a day and a year before you know it
You can't go back to what just happened
In that millisecond.

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