The bully never remembers!
I was always kind of heavy but kids can be so cruel! I remember dreading every day that I had to go to school.
I would stay up nights just worrying who will beat me up this time! I would have to give them my lunch money and they wanted every dime.
Ripping on my clothing just because they weren't name brand! I would never tell my parent's they just wouldn't understand.
They would just say to tell my teacher! But they can't protect me on my way home! This was one I had to handle myself! I had to do it on my own.
I soon learned how to laugh at myself and beat them to every punch line!
I turned into the class clown and they accepted me just fine.
As long as I kept my class entertained and held up my head with pride!
They never could see through my self made mask, how bad I hurt inside.
It got me through my younger years, Just perk up a smile and hide all the tears.
Now as an adult I now realize that all people are not that bad and I could have avoided a lot in my life, if I had just talked more to mom and dad.
If your a bully please stop it! You have no idea how deep down it sets!
For the bully never remembers, but the bullied never forgets!
Written By:
Roy A. McGill
© all rights reserved 5/16/08
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