Poems From The Heart

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 The bully never remembers!
I was always kind of heavy but kids can be so cruel!  I remember dreading every day that I had to go to school.

I would stay up nights just worrying who will beat me up this time!  I would have to give them my lunch money and they wanted every dime.

empty pockets Pictures, Images and Photos

Ripping on my clothing just because they weren't name brand!  I would never tell my parent's they just wouldn't understand.

Buffalo, Euro 37 Pictures, Images and Photos

They would just say to tell my teacher!  But they can't protect me on my way home!  This was one I had to handle myself!  I had to do it on my own.

I soon learned how to laugh at myself and beat them to every punch line!
I turned into the class clown and they accepted me just fine.

As long as I kept my class entertained and held up my head with pride!
They never could see through my self made mask, how bad I hurt inside.

happy sad mask

It got me through my younger years, Just perk up a smile and hide all the tears.

Now as an adult I now realize that all people are not that bad and I could have avoided a lot in my life, if I had just talked more to mom and dad.

If your a bully please stop it!  You have no idea how deep down it sets!
For the bully never remembers, but the bullied never forgets!

Rawk Fist

Written By:
Roy A. McGill
© all rights reserved 5/16/08

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