I was looking for some trinkets to put inside my sack! And chanced upon a beautiful stone but I just had to put it back!
You see the stone had sharp rough edges that only I could feel! I returned it to the water, for fear of being cut so deep that the wound would never heal!
I walked that same beach for many years, hoping for it's return! I just had to have that very same stone, you think that I would learn!
I was only looking in the water, I could never understand! All this time it was right here beside me, buried in the shallow sand!
I had noticed a change while brushing off the sand, that it's edges were no longer sharp for me to touch? What could have possibly happened to this stone that I loved so very much?
The water, like life, had grabbed my stone and removed all the edges with the tides of time!
And then God made sure our paths would cross again and my soft beautiful stone I'd find!
So I went home that day and got all of my stones that I collected through my many years at that waters edge.
Then said a prayer, as I shed my tears! To God my heart I pledge!
I said God, Please take these stones and mold them as I pray! So when a lonely soul that walks this beach may understand your way!
That we all have sharp edges, that we need your love to mold us! And we will all be soft and smooth to the touch, if we only do as you told us!
Life teaches us all kinds of things, if we only would listen to what You say! For my shiny new stone, I will wash in the blood of Your Son every night! And in Jesus name I'll pray!