Words Can Bring Blessing Or Curse
They shall be clothed in the garment of their words
This message is given to prevent a curse
Warned thru-out the bible,in psalms find the verse
Hearken unto His voice before things get worse
For He has warned ,we'll reap what we sow
Yet people continue to let negative words flow
It is written as a man thinketh so is he
For out of the abundance of the heart man speaks
It is written that life and death is in the tongue
And we'll be held accountable for every one
For it is our words that creates what goes on
Through prayer and supplication let's uproot bad ones
Written in Mark 4:14 The sower sows the word
I beseech you to listen for His word to be heard
For the words we speak are birthed into the earth
Please be in prayer to reverse mankinds' curse
I pray only words of blessings come from your mouth
I pray you'll get wisdom to turn cursings around
I pray by faith you'll speak ;" I am healed "
I pray this message to all mankind be revealed