Poems of CHarlesHIce 

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Firstly the moral of a title story is a little harder to find the eye makes it harder to discern the middle part when ewe near the end just then ah there ewe have found the attidude. Secondly, time is a “slippery fish”. Jesus appeared and disappeared at will after His resurrection, indicating that God is not constrained by space and time. He has that attidude. Number four ah ewe said yew skipped on number three. That is my attidude. The best CharlaXFabel eye ever wrote had a cartoon character and was set in a war zone complete with fighting killing murder mayhem in the twilight zone the only reason it may not resemble the episode is the addition of the addidude. No look closer it's a fooley ewe its addidude not attidude. Keep up with me ewe you have the attitude. This new world government, one must realize, was carrying on under conditions that were often saturated with emotion. There was still much uncertainty in the outlook; and this perhaps let in adventure and romance. The World Council was in effective possession of world power, but not in unchallenged possession. Even in 2000 C.E., nineteen-twentieths of mankind were still unassimilated to the organization. If the world was not rebellious it was mutinous, and there were plenty of alert and intelligent people in opposition, estranged people or people shaped to forms of thought altogether uncongenial to the reconditioning of human affairs on Modern State lines. Ooops the timeline slipped and eye am swimming in the stream in my new attitude ewe. The New World Government has addidude.
The new delegates arrived at the New United Nations Head today the first delegate what is your namme? Es 666 eye am from Bulwania. And please answer the role with your namme.
What is your namme please the first delegate? Es 666 eye told yew senior. Be quiet you 666 you have a bad addidude.
NO eye have a bad attidude. "What comedians do is actually a form of art," he continued. "It may not be on so lofty a perch as poetry or ballet, but it is nonetheless art . . . vocal art, expressed in monologues.  ED.Note George Carlin in Heaven. He had the first bad attidude. Eye tossed in the every chip eye had in the pot it was so huge a thing spilling over and off onto the floor and the attidude was this to win the whole humongous pot and so we dealt the dealer had an addidude of wealth so sure that he was gonna win again he felt. The room grew quiet when eye tossed the ACE on the table and brought the wagon around to load the dough ray mee. Eye had to keep the donkey from chewing on the bills the coins were in the wagon now for mee. It was the attitude dude the addidude of the attidude. The master was concerned the man was losing a lot of coins so he asked him wisely in his attitude where did yew learn the game of chance on a computor by chance yes eye just like to play money is no object its funner on the screen he is a addidude. The attitude today is layed back and happy due to the fact that mye friend has told me that eye am good at knoeing history and that has made me sassy and given me the attidude. It is just attitude. Eye am the attidude.

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