Can you hear,
The sounds of the mountains alive,
With the Wipperwill,
Willing you to listen,
Trying to find it's mate,
That Squirrel, jumping and chirping,
Warning others,I am near,
The sounds of drums,
Is the Woodpecker,
Doing his spring dance,
All the bird's,
Building there nests,
Not caring your there,
They're to busy,
Not stopping their stance,
You sit and stare,
At the beauty that surrounds,
At the wonderment of it all,
The wildflowers,
Bursting thru the ground,
Wind blowing the scent,
Of the honeysuckle,
The sun peeking thru the limbs,
As you absorb all the warmth,
That it gives,
As I lay back,
I shut my eyes and listen,
The beautiful rythums of sounds,
That come thru the air,
As you drift off to sleep,
A beautiful melody.