Poems of CHarlesHIce 

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Bakers Dozen
 The thumbs rule as contrition comes rule of fear of consternation filling the donut hole with love the bakers dozen purchase some get twelve get one free get thirteen the total counted out on the shipping bag makes an even bakers dozen found out in the dump burnt making lumps of dehydrated clay springs of thistle down the way choking the flower making it bleed one man as he leaves the group to let them group alive one man gone away as twelve rule the earthen sky the one still there ever in hearts still ever yet a bakers dozen their. Rocks of hard sandstone become the bread of children gone. Wayside beacon hedge protection break the tablets made of yeasty stone give them hand to hand to mouth bread at last at least for one more day of Sabbath rest the bakers dozen end to end the thirteenth man the Lord of Children. Lay bread beside the cups so empty as they play with non existant money filling houses with free love imagining the stuff laid up on stove then fired in pans and baked in pots of salutary loaves. Stones gathered near the mud slime pits brought end to end to stack until they number twelve again the thirteenth one not found at all but missing them they said HE fell up off the world into the sky an even bakers dozen now. LORD of flies LORD of bread LORD of stones LORD of Bone taking Spirits home just building Wraith full of wrath for them that will not come Thorns only to the blind who only see the twelve as dozen refusing addition of thirteen the bakers dozen.

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