Poems of Charles HIce 

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 Please do not oever bear the judgement upon this frail fearie. Anyone would be afraid of famine in the fall or summer after all the play must just go on. The play must go on. That midsummer nites dream was not meant to scare children the donkey head the actors used was so goshe~and many things that Earl wrote wound up in history as being credited to eye. The belly wants a man just wants to eat and grain suffices when there is not one person selling meat. This is the only thing that WillShaeks has ever written it was in a mayonnaise jar on Earl Shakespeare's porch near his 50 cent beer cooler almost at the end of the yard. The ruling elite have devised chemtrails as a means of covertly microchipping us all in order to create antennas inside of us via nanotechnology so as to make us totally controllable via a "psychocivilized" (electronically mind controlled) society. Using HAARP microwave antennas, the National Security Agency (NSA) can establish a seamless computer link direct to our brains, but first
they're using chemtrails to get the nanoparticles into us which are reassembling in our bodies to form the antennas. WE CAN STOP THIS OUTRAGEOUS INVASION OF OUR BODIES & MINDS! I REPEAT THIS IS A HIGHLY ADVANCED GOVERNMENT BIOLOGICAL AND ATMOSPHERIC WEAPONS SYSTEM IN USE AGAINST THE GENERAL PUBLIC No one can be excluded from infection. Brush your teeth well. Rinse with water. Then Rinse your mouth vigorously for 5 minutes with 1 tsp peroxide, 2 tsp Merlot red wine. Prepare to be shocked and upset that the nanotechnology you spit out and you may want to send a thank you note to Lockheed-Martin and their fellow war criminals Ed.Note what is a timely manner one day a period of twenty four hours or even longer a week of them days or a month of them Sundays this is inserted into this title poem as an example only of pre American writing. He made little itsy bitsy bite size pan cakes and swallowed them of all his stored and horded granary but poetry and screenplay were never quite his forte. He had water but no ice. They skipped a lot when mincing and then messed about a bit some antsing. The Kenner bake easy on and off oven that WillShaeks used to make his muffin is in the Smithstonian Inn. They loved him for he paid for gin with grain and salt they called it the coin of the realm and tossed it off the balcony wall. Every now and then someone remembers Will and thinks it was Earl instead. A man goes in a bar and says Tender give me one and the Tender says let me see them hands and then ewe guessed it NO you cannot have a drink you have a bad case of them WillShaeks.

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