Poems of CHarlesHIce 

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 Hard to eat and enjoy food when teeth aer broken and large cavities fill head with pain a CharlaX vision of eating. Eye chew the food some not a lot and mostly swallow as much as eye can stand it slides in there somewhere and comes back out again. A previous poem Poem Children Poem
Eye eat meat eye eat a lot of that stiffens mostly fish though sometimes beef and others even mutton but very seldom and they always say you are just what you eat. Eye eat meat not rare not always not cooked not always medium not always done clear threw not always well not always sweet to such an one as eye. Eye have seen  people playing in the mud and eating mud pies and yes we are the clay when life is done but can we eat most anything made underneath the moon of GODS own SON. Everything is lawful oh LORD what have eye done by eating meat have eye made my vegetarian go astray or can she understand me as eye am just having repast past my teeth please meat is fun. Please and thank you fish please and thank you cow please and thank you veggies anyhow please and thank you Jesus for every cow and fish and nothing that we eat much matters in the end. Meat eye have been given bread some cheese so soft in a carton with a top they call it cream and so it is a brand a little off but not from philly just a little closer to my home it came from cow a dairy mixed with carrots dipped so carefully to make a better noon meal a lunch go south to then come out in a different place and time. People get offended by the smell of fish and so the jerky bag has this Ziploc thing so eye can make a wish eye wish eye may eye wish eye might have my beef jerky in the middle of my day to give me life. Public users train riders bus patrons even computer users in the lieberry try to eat they maintain times when applicable but nosh at any given point they seem to be asleep for most of half a day until they come alive at noon or even three and then they thrive for a handful of them minutes as the cell phones go to pieces in the hands of all the people who can only chatter at the other person laying on the couch. There is a time and place for conversation all eye am saying is give peace a chance.
Please do not chatter person to person either as the noise gets like a tunnel digger in mye ear. For in a public place eye have had to put my food away please put that phone inside the holster stop shotting mee with decibels so low and monotone. Eye need to listen to what eye eat. Eating. Eye guess there is not completed title without the swimming lessons given now a friend was in the pool with me and no one lets us in the water until after thirty minutes pass but they always forget to tell us when the time is past then food consumed is now forgotton like the bathing suits of cotton while the manager of motel watching has decided finally to peg us out he has decided that these boys seem like they don't belong and yes its true ewe we were cheating at the Holiday Inn swimming pool no adults were with us and the manager he saw us. He said WHO aer you and where is your room. ? Eye said thinking very fast for one so fast asleep in water so very cold looking just past and just above the man eye said ROOM 232. He was on the second floor and turning rather quickly he said WHY that's my room you hooligans get out. Eye kept my aplomb and out we went to parking lot where shoes was found and later pants and shirts sometimes a child will turn a tee shirt upside down to make shorts to be able to walk into a town from a botched swimming job. Eating. Sometimes eating crow sometimes snow sometimes wrong place wrong time syndrome. God loves us when we do things wrong as children eating.

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