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 On October 20, 1949

On October 20, 1949
On October 20, 1949
On October 20, 1949
666^^^Woodland Silver
 For he shall cause all of the men who worship the beast to take a mark upon the forehead or the right hand who are not found written in the Book of Life He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666. On October 20, 1949, Woodland and Silver filed a patent application titled "Classifying Apparatus and Method." The inventors described their invention as relating "to the art of article classification...through the medium of identifying patterns". Most bar code histories state that the Woodland and Silver bar code was a "bull's eye" symbol, a symbol made up of a series of concentric circles. While Woodland and Silver did describe such a symbol, the basic symbology was described as a straight line pattern quite similar to present day 1D bar code. The symbology was made up of a pattern of four white lines on a dark background. The first line was a datum line and the positions of the remaining three lines were fixed with respect to the first line. The information was coded by the presence or absence of one or more of the lines. This allowed 7 different classifications of articles. However, the inventors noted that if more lines were added, more classifications could be coded. With 10 lines, 1023 classifications could be coded. The Woodland and Silver patent application was issued October 7, 1952 as US Patent 2,612,994.Today eye got an emale from an evangelistic group they asked me iff eye am ready to die for my belief in Christ eye guess we all face that every day now but more than likely in the third world countries but is it all the same death or is there one that's coming that may be different than the rest a way to knoe completely like the third thief upon the cross not the one that did revile him but the one that called him LORD.  He who has an ear, let him hear.  If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go.  If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints. For eye believe a day is coming soon when the mark will be instituted upon the people of America the Government finally tiring and expiring all other forms of Identification as they quite gleefully embrace the Devil and the Death be assured that like many before me eye will gladly go to GOD. Please do not tie my hands or feet but let me walk there to the Guillotine completely at the mercy of my LORD. Perhaps it will not happen in my lifetime oh then eye will be spared the end will come upon the men who say JESUS is not GOD. A number on the head or hand no soul inside the heart.  The weight of the entire world as Atlas shrugs his shoulder only one more time as he slips in his own blood and drops his burden in the mud becomes too much. Please to those who read the CharlaX one continue saying JESUS is the Lord.

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