This poem I share is my true story
About the weeds stealing my garden's glory
You see the weeds aren't there because I'm lazy
It's because the bees are driving me crazy
It is being said there are a shortage of bees
It must be because they're all visiting me
They're overtaking my flowerbeds and trees
This disabling me to pull my weeds
Now I know they serve a purpose and such
But I also know their sting would hurt so much
So you tell me what I should do
When weeds overtake my garden as the bees pursue
I know I wouldn't have pretty flowers without them
But the weeds are really getting under my skin
Yet I'm not willing to chance being stung
For I'm sure the pain of it wouldn't be fun
I guess I'm gonna have to let the bees enjoy
Perhaps I'll buy a bee suit or a gardner employ
I know the yellow jackets are small lil' guys
But their sting would be painful I realize
So I ask that you look beyond the weeds
To see my flowers and all their beauty
For I refuse to let the bees sting me
So for now my garden is beauty,bees and weeds
Okay...I decided to trust in God and pulled my weeds
Suddenly...agressive ant armies attacked me
So the moral of this story and poem
It was the ants that wanted to sting me all along!