Poems of CHarlesHIce 

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 There should be more interaction in the lieberry area the people are like lumps of stone or seeds of pods come home they bristle up and stand up and gesture at the screen before they leave so eye suggest we have a Show and Tell day and let everyone in the room give an account of what they did today. Make it a Truth or Dare day where everyone must tell the truth no lies allowed or iff found out they forfeit hours of fun and pain and grueling work. Iff you are a child less than thirteen you are not allowed to play so please go home even if led here by a parent today. That made two more empty seats. Iff you are a game player and are just here for the game please state the reason that you play say yes eye am addicted to the killing and the death. Iff the man stays gone and does not come back do we get his stuff do we pass it all around is there something there for mee will it make it all around the room to get to me is there food in the plastic bag is there some food in there for me. Eye would do my impression of John Wane and say Howdy mamm real big. The big joke would be iff we used our nicknammes when we were little how would it be. Mother is standing in the door and yelling CharlaX get in here NOW supper is ready oh Lord. Now eye should not have went this far down memory lane eye will cry tears of remembered love. When the power goes off forever and there is no more free computers we the poets of America do solemnly swear to keep writing with the blood left in the veins of long forgotten flesh eye will make a baby Jesus and a Cross and a mess with all the rest just one large smear to signal to the spaceships full of Angels to please come pick us up. A signature of life poured out of man to signal birth again in death. Eye placed the image of my love deep upon my mind up on a pedestal only then to find she loved the world too many times she needed money more than time and there is never just enough her husband kills people in the night so she can hold her bottle tightly as this phoenix iff ewe will believe in ashes giving life then death then life again as eye rise up from the ground in the presence of my enemy with nothing in my hand my weapon made of wind eye stand a pedestal eye stand.

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