Poems of CHarlesHIce 

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   She is famous a poese she makes poems she makes them much better than the eye the ewe she tries so hard to make a real poem work and keep the idea in love and make it seem to be the only ever thought of in a person sort of one. We have things withheld from birth that we have against our ancestors and parentage that we save up and send somehow in subliminal messages to our mates our new partners our lovers our hearts. We manage to cause the nerves to tic at each other's eye and she is the sweetest person alive and yet she hurries away sometimes because eye am saying things like this The old man still goes to the liberry and cahts with his violet flower she is unaware of how soon he must depart this world for Heaven. He manages to keep his love for her it is made of purple longings mermaid drownings dragonfly yearnings and all manner of wonderful good things wrapped up inside him they constitute his heart every word he utters when alone at night is parme colored infinites of wishing she were with him at the moment that he plays but the happy that he is that she is home and safe sometimes because eye am saying old thoughts or reminisce cow town adages for bliss eye give her raw seaweed sex when sometimes a woman wants a washed and pampered man inside clean sheets. Eye can be like this. When eye leave the shower stalled and drop the towel next to the bed ewe eye does seem to travel separate from the place it's been and suddenly ewe reach out and touch me in my dream eye sigh and settle inn the sheets so clean. A wholesome thing is love a kiss and play a kiss and sigh a kiss a dream a living thing as suddenly without much fuss we two persons stick together and become just one. Today it was the way she gave me back a long forgotten something that we did in ancient times at least three years ago we chatted like children when they meet. We just made little signs and symbols oh how neat we played eye for mee and ewe was ewe complete and both of us loved to have the love inside us both eye see it now as more than eye thought eye had.( //??=) for her (??//+) for eye two people in the darkness suddenly have light. She gave this back to me today remembering remembering our love.  All too often eye give her only grief my petty theft her life force in her very heart she trusts me so completely that when eye drop her down a peg she bottoms out eye feel her frown my visage lost inside my crown eye try again with little signs and symbols of our love the best is still the little heart <3. Another year has passed and still my green dot will last another winter please come and fill it up with love mye last and further than the truth as passed the dragonflies may come again before we kiss again for when a man has love he wants it only once or as a ghost he wants it all the time anon just marry mee and keep eye ici.

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