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 Don't Care!!!!!!!!
Do you ever F*****G give up?
You'll keep pushing till i break,
Your philosophy is S***e!
Give me the knife i want to take.
Permit me that one thing you B*****D!
Let me F*****G sleep!
Stop resting on my conscience...
Give me the one thing i can keep!
These phycotic images are too prenaturally keen,
Visualise you P***K..
You know they're obscene.
I am green as jelousy,
And white with hate at least,
but not yet the colour you want, i am still winning...
I am not black as the deceased!
Despit the fact you seperate me from reality,
Coincidental i think not!
We both win if you give....
Let me B*****D rot!!!!
So much for a pacifist,
You pesimistic p***K!
It's a F*****G illusion,
No B****D trick!
It's a game of mental torture,
Your work atomises with folksy charm,
If you assume seamlessly accomplished...
Then why aren't you calm?
A truly mature GOD,
How did you die?
Who is your revenge aimed at?
What number am I?
You live as immortal,  your powers are worthless,
I'm in control...what will you do?
For you see, it was not you who created me....
It was I who IMAGINED you!!!!


Tara Bennett

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