Hole in my boat!
I yell there's a hole in my boat! As I paddle for shore, my motor gave out and I have only one ore!
Can't anyone hear me? all of my plea's for help? But nobody did, not even one yelp.
My boat's going down doesn't anyone care? Then a voice from above said have you ever tried prayer?
Am I hearing things a voice from the sky? I figured there was no one else around so I gave it a try.
I said God please if You hear me, send help right away, I heard Your voice from the clouds say that I needed to pray.
Well then I yelled real loud "I did what You said"! Then the voice said good grab the rope or you will end up dead!
Just at the time that I was about to give up hope, I said a short prayer and down came a rope.
Oh yes I got rescued and here's the real topper! I got to the top of the rope and found something quite odd.
There was just a plain ordinary man in a chopper and I thought I was talking to God!
THE MORAL IS .....If you have a hole in your boat! Prayer can help!
Written by:
Roy A.McGill
© all rights reserved 8/22/08
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