Everything's Gonna Be Alright_IF...
I've always known _You Lord are in control
For time after time your word has told me so
Jesus says; "Ye that are weary come unto me for rest"
His peace is not of the world's but is the best
The days we live in are of perilous times
There's lies and false doctrines of all kinds
Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life
My prayer is that mankind will descern what is right
The devil is busy using false religion to destroy
God's holy bible is the truth for everlasting joy
For it is the washing of His Word that saves
Redeeming us from death,hell and the grave
Please take heed that you are not deceived or misled
Everything will be alright if on God's Word you're fed
Many false leaders will try to lead you astray
Promising short cuts making God's word void along the way
God says;"My people perish for lack of knowledge"
This is failure to know His Word not a degree from college
The holy spirit is given to be our guide
Darwinism,New Age,and Scientology for starters is a lie
There's innocent people unknowingly serving satan
By conforming to the world and God's Word they've forsaken
I tell you the truth,Jesus is the only way
Everything will be alright,If from His Word you don't stray
By ; Pastor Linda Begley
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