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 Pastor Linda Sharing God's Love

He Has My Life Planned Out

*+*He Has My Life Planned Out*+*
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 It's odd how things come into play
Numbers seem to keep playing out each day
Time after time I see God is a numbers man
It just goes to show that He has the plan
I was only twelve years old
When I accepted Jesus as my Savior
Jesus was only twelve years old
When doing the buisness of His Father
Jesus was 33 yrs. old when He suffered terribly and died
I was 33 yrs. old when my Mama was taken from my life
Jesus cried out to the Father at age 33
" Father why hast thou forsaken me ?"
I cried out to the Father at age 33
" Father why was my Mama taken so early ?"
Mary was in anguish when she witnessed Jesus being sacrificed
I was in anguish when watching
the movie " The Passion " but it forever changed my life
Mary suffered and cried in such distraught
To see how they tortured her once baby boy
I shook and cried at just the thought
Of seeing anyone harm the four sons I've got
Jesus walked the earth 40 days after He had risen
I was called after being saved 40 yrs. into the ministry
After 40 days Jesus got to ascend to be with His Father again
After 40 yrs.I willingly gave my whole life over to Him
I was nothing and now wouldn't be
Except for the righteousness of Christ in me
It is He that is to be glorified in whatever we do
For it was His desire that was put into me and you
The number 4 seems to play in my life more
The dear Lord gave me my 4 sons to adore
Then by 4 yrs. my hubby is older
I also have 4 grandsons and 2 granddaughters
So as I see these numbers and emotions coincide
The hand of God has truly guided my life
A force bigger than myself has guarded over me
To now spread the gospel and trod on the enemy
By ; Pastor Linda Begley
That thou mayest walk in the way of good men,
and keep the paths of the righteous.
 A man's heart deviseth his way:
but the LORD directeth his steps.
 The numbers I share below aren't a poem
I just wanted to share His guidance all along
This was written on church site in 2007
The Lord literally highlighted in my bible the night
He called me into the ministry.
Mark 6:4 and ...My b-day  is 6:4 !!
I am learning day by day that God is such a numbers man!
I realized something the other day that totally
 had me in AWE....I realized right away...
When my Mama passed away I was 33
and she was 55 and she died in 88 .
Well also I was born in 55 and she was born in 33.
So for some odd reason I thought, I wonder how old my eldest
 would be when I am the age of his birth
which is 71...and he will be 55, then I thought well...
I was the 4th child so I wonder how old  my
4th would be when I am 78 the year of his birth,
and....he will be 55....Then...I figured the other 2 sons
 and everyone of my son's date of birth matches up
 to being the date of my birth when I am the age of their birth!
The number 4 has been huge this year!(2007)
And...I have 4 sons. I had been saved for 40 yrs. this year,
and it was this year of being saved 40 yrs.
that God called me into the ministry,
and then it was 4 yrs. ago that my Jesus apparition
appeared at my umbrella, and it was 400 yrs.
ago that the cross was staked for dedicating
America to God. Oh so many others I have noticed
with the 4 in it but it just proves to me how
God is so maticulous in His numbers, oh...
and didn't the children of Israel take 40 yrs
 to walk around in the wilderness>As I had done
before God called me. Also look at my age of 33
that I lost my Mama, grief beyond words
and Jesus died at age 33 which was a huge sacrifice.
Then when he arose again he walked the earth 40 days.
 Isn't it amazing when the Holy Spirit  reveals things like this,
and when you get entuned it is limitless of the
 connections we can make with God's plans.
 My spiritual father is Kenneth Copeland
and my spiritman has been drawn too his ministry
since I was 17 years old, well this year is his
 40th yr. in the ministry. It is an awesome journey and
 I look forward to each day to see what God is gonna reveal to me.
 I never know when or what it will be but it is like a
gift waiting to arrive and open up :-) For 40 yrs. was
 I faithful?, NO...but He is faithful and never left me.
I praise Him and give Him the glory for being the best
 Father a Girl could ever hope for...
I am a daughter of the Most High King, I am in His royal family!!
He will forever watch over me and daily I long to be closer to THEE.
 Isaiah 4:5. And Jehovah will create over the whole

habitation of mount Zion, and over her assemblies,

a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining

of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory

shall be spread a covering.

 6. And there shall be a pavilion for a shade in the

day-time from the heat, and for a refuge and for a

 covert from storm and from rain.

The Holy Spirit told me to share what He revealed to me

 that the umbrella was a symbol of His protection

 over me as well as in Insurance policies that

you get an umbrella policy to cover your valuable

possessions and He wants me to know my value to Him.

After He revealed that days later while reading

 I ran onto this scripture and seen the parallel.

Praise His Holy Name Forever!!

I am nothing without Him this I know!


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