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 Language of Enchantment

The Wing Span Of A Dove


In the middle of the morning
Or in the deepest dark of night,
I can look for and locate Him.
He's always in my spirit's sight.


I can tell Him all my troubles
Or simply linger in His love.
He is never any farther
Than the wing span of a Dove.


In the coldest day of winter
Or in sweltering summer heat,
I can journey up to Jesus
To lay my burdens at His feet.


I can sing Him poems and praises
Or lavish Him with all my love.
He is never any farther
Than the wing span of a Dove.


In the comfort of a chapel
Or out in a sun-baked field,
I can soak in His sweet presence
To hear His Word to me revealed.


I can fly high in the Spirit
Or lay low in His lush love.
He is never any farther
Than the wing span of a Dove.

 Be Blessed,
(C)Doris Jacobs-Covington
 September 7, 2008
Wings Of A Dove sung by Dolly Parton,
Loretta Lynn,and Tammy Wynette
"I have learned to be content
whatever the circumstances. I
know what it is to be in need
and I know what it is to have
plenty. I have learned the secret
of being content in any and every
situation, whether well fed or
hungry, whether living in plenty
or in want. I can do everything
through Christ who gives me
Philippians 4:11-13
"Blessed is the man who trusts
in the Lord, whose confidence
is in Him. He will be like a
tree planted by the water that
sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes,
its leaves are always green. It
has no worries in a year of drough
and never fails to bear fruit."
Jeremiah 17:7-8
"Each one should use whatever
gift he has received to serve
others, faithfully administering
God's grace in its various forms.
If anyone speaks, he should do so
as one speaking the very words of
God. If anyone serves, he should
do it with the strength God provides,
so that in all things God may be
praised through Jesus Christ. To
Him be the glory and the power for
ever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:10-11

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