Poems of CHarlesHIce 

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item=poetry 104
You get what you do you get instant fame or instant karma beat the stuffins out of others and someday they will beat the stuffins out of you you redneck killers. Man that thinks with belly and fist gets fisted in his belly with. Self centered priority one never caring about others at all. Eye want to be a football heroes and beat myself up every day. The training for football was way too intense and no one cares for the way they fence they chase each other around the field and never get better they make it unreal REDNECKK Redneckk  
What do a redneckk do?  
He don't do much he do some  
He eat what he can find at home  
He love women in his mind  
He try to get him some  
He drink beer time after time  
He lose his keys in the leaves  
He lose his car in the yard  
He lose his keys in the leaves  
He try to get him some  
He love women in his mind  
He eat what he find at home  
He don't do much he do some  
What do a redneckk do?  

CharlaX says this:

No parchment for to pen my verse
Nor ink to fill my quill
No destined place for words to berth
Nor is there even will
No words to write or come at all
Nor inspiration flow
No lesson learned or offered here
Nor anything to know
This too shall pass....

King Solomon once searched for a cure against depression. He assembled his wise men together. They meditated for a long time and gave him the following advice: Make yourself a ring and have thereon engraved the words "This too shall pass". The King carried out the advice. He had the ring made and wore it constantly. Every time he felt sad and depressed, he looked at the ring, whereupon his mood would change and he would feel cheerful while his genies worked.

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