Among many stony hearts stood a trembling woman in desperate need of
consolation. Jesus was now before her bleeding, hurting, and pierced in both hands
and feet. Where is the window in the sky that used to open up bright with the
voice of wisdom and commanding words to stop this cruelty? Didn't this crowd
remember what the voice from Heaven had already proclaimed to the entire
world about His Son?
Dark day fell upon us to nail Hope to a tree. Birds and angels were no longer
singing but looking at Hope and wanting to set Him free, yet it was not the hour
for Hope to be free. Vast clouds of gray gathered together to weep over the
precious Lamb of God. The heart of Mary which prayerfully pondered
all things in unmovable faith and devotion had quietly snapped,
breaking in two and only Lord Jesus knew.
From the cross, He spoke to her and then to His Beloved to take care of her.
From the cross, He remained compassionate, faithful and true. From the cross,
Christ still commanded and was obeyed by those who truly loved Him. Though
His body was torn, His Spirit remained strong. The crying heart of Mary had
broke in the presence of our suffering Christ, but would soon rejoice again
with others in the eternal pastures of Paradise created and ruled by the
Lord of Lords.
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. -Psalm 147:3