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 Mister Campbell

Mister Campbell was a soft spoken old man who lived in a box;
Homeless for thirteen years, he had holes in both his socks.
With his Bible in his mind, he preached the Gospel of God's love;
As the street preacher of 4th Avenue, he spoke as  gentle as a dove.
Dressed in rags, without a roof over his head, he preached every day;
He told passers-by of Jesus, of His sacrifice, of God's created way.

Mister Campbell didn't preach to beg or panhandle for spare change;
His heart was on fire with Jesus, but many looked at him as only strange.
Without a single possession,  other than the clothes on his dirty back;
He gave his every waking moment to God, with words he had a knack.
Legend on the street  has it that he was very wealthy in his life before;
But he gave it all away, everything he owned, on this life he closed the door.

Mister Campbell would preach of love, without any judgment in his voice;
Tears streamed down the cheeks of the people as he presented God's choice.
Most folks would continue to walk down the street with their hearts on fire;
The seed of Jesus Mister Campbell had planted creating within them a desire.
New children of God would come from all over the town to churches of their own;
Knowing that the seed of the homeless preacher on 4th Avenue had grown.


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